Technical Assistance Missions
December 11 – 15: Macroeconomic Frameworks
2025 |
2024 |
2023 |
November 21 – 24: Monetary and Foreign Exchange Operations
September 11 – 29: Treasury Management
September 5 – 14: Monetary and Foreign Exchange Operations
As the request of the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), Giorgi Barbakadze, CDOT Advisor, provided technical advice to further streamline the market-based official exchange rate determination mechanism. The mission team also participated in the NBC workshop for commercial banks and presented the theoretical background of the Interest Rate Corridor, Averaging Reserve Requirements, and the Survey Results of Financial Institutions in Cambodia.
May 22 – June 2: Accrual Based Public Sector Accounting Standards
In response to a standing request from the Cambodian authorities, CDOT delivered a training on accrual accounting to 35 officials of the General Department of National Treasury (GDNT) and Accounting and Auditing Regulator (ACAR) at GDNT premises in Phnom Penh. Most of the participants were GDNT staffs from Cambodia’s 24 provinces and staffs from Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and revenue agencies. The mission introduced the accrual-basis International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). The mission also provided an on-going capacity development support for GDNT staff on the development of guidelines on revenues and accounts payable to form a basis for accounting for such revenues under IPSAS basis of accounting.
April 10 – 21: Government Finance and Public Sector Debt Statistics
April 4 – 6: Interactive Learning and Workshop on Interest Rate Corridor
In response to a request from the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), Giorgi Barbakadze, CDOT Advisor, and the IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department (MCM) delivered a two-day workshop on Interest Rate Corridor (IRC) in Siem Reap. The workshop introduced IRC as well as Reserve Requirements to support IRC. It also covered a basics of Liquidity monitoring and forecasting to support an IRC, and recent work on Liquidity forecasting in Cambodia.
January 17 – 26: Technical Assistance Mission on Short-term Liquidity Forecasting Framework
At the request of the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), Giorgi Barbakadze, CDOT Advisor, provided technical assistance on improvements in the NBC’s monetary operations and liquidity forecasting of the central bank balance sheet autonomous factors. This mission was under the project to support monetary and foreign exchange operations in Cambodia. It incorporated recent advances in forecasting literature and international good practices of different forecasting models with various degrees of complexity into the NBC’s liquidity forecasting practices.
January 25 – 27: Interagency Core Group Workshop on Macroframework
January 16 – 27: Accrual Based Public Sector Accounting Standards
In response to a request from the Cambodian authorities, CDOT delivered a one-week training for 33 officials from the General Department of National Treasury (GDNT) and Accounting and Auditing Regulator (ACAR) on accrual accounting at GDNT premises in Phnom Penh. The mission provided an overall introduction to the accrual-basis International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and Government Finance Statistics (GFS). It also covered the linkage between GFS and accounting focused on fixed assets, consolidation, loans, and pensions. Additionally, the mission provided an on-going capacity development support for GDNT staff on the development accrual-basis reporting of the financial operations of the government.