Technical Assistance Missions


Technical Assistance Missions


November 20 – 24: Government Finance Statistics

Following up on the missions held in February and June 2023, CDOT continued its collaboration with the State Budget Department (SBD), the Vietnam State Treasury (VST), Vietnam Social Security (VSS), and the Department of Debt Management and External Finance (DMEF) to facilitate further progress in the compilation and dissemination of Government Finance Statistics and Public Sector Debt Statistics (GFS-PSDS).

September 18 – 20: Public Sector Debt Statistics and External Debt Statistics

In consultation with the Ministry of Finance (MOF) of Vietnam, CDOT conducted a 3-day capacity building mission on External Debt Statistics (EDS) and Public Sector Debt Statistics (PSDS) in Hanoi during September 18 - 20, 2024. The mission aimed to support the Vietnamese authorities initiating coordinating on the compilation and dissemination of EDS and PSDS within the broader context of macroeconomics statistics, in line with international statistical standards. The workshop brought together participants from 12 departments across the Ministry of Finance (MOF), the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), and the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). It was coordinated with the Debt Management and External Finance Department (DMEF) of the MOF as well as the Foreign Exchange Management and Forecasting and Statistics departments of the SBV.

July 17 – 30: Treasury Management

The IMF team conducted a mid-term evaluation of the progress achieved by the Vietnam State Treasury (VST) vis-à-vis milestones set in its long-term (2021–2030) modernization strategy and advised the authorities on further reforms. The team advised prioritizing reforms that are fundamental to becoming a digital treasury, particularly underscoring the need to accelerate the development of the planned new financial management information system (VDBAS) and the chart of accounts (CoA) that would be embedded in it.

July 8 – 12: Government Finance Statistics

CDOT worked with the State Budget Department (SBD), the Vietnam State Treasury (VST) and the Department of Debt Management and External Finance (DMEF) to assist in making further progress in GFS and PSDS compilation and dissemination. The mission followed up on the June and November 2023 mission recommendations. Overriding goals for this mission were improving GFS compilation by directly using Treasury (TABMIS) or equivalent data, regularly compiling GFS data for the VSS to extend the coverage of general government, providing public debt data to the World Bank / IMF quarterly PSDS (QPSD) database and improving GFS compilation methods by using National Financial Statements data.

June 3 – 12: Macroeconomic Frameworks

CDOT conducted a technical assistance to support Vietnam's Core Working Group (CWG) led by the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) to produce macroeconomic projections and present the results to policy makers. The mission assisted the CWG in: 1) Improving the quality and customization of the Macro-framework Foundation Tool (MFT) as a macroeconomic projection tool; 2) Operating the MFT to produce projections and presenting the results to MPI Management; and 3) Broadening and sustaining capacity development by facilitating transfer of knowledge and coordination among CWG members and start writing the user manuals.

April 15 – 26: External Sector Statistics

  At the request of the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), CDOT provided the in-person technical assistance (TA) on external sector statistics focusing on developing sufficient data for surveillance. The mission conducted assessments on: (i) legal barriers faced by authorities in compiling and disseminating ESS; (ii) data sources for compiling international investment position (IIP); and (iii) key components of the balance of payments (BOP), such as direct investment (DI) and international trade in goods and services (ITGS).


